Sunday, 22 April 2012


"Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated."

People often say that the word 'love' is thrown around very easily,everything we like is not everything we love.Love is a strong word and should not be used in every nook and corner of our life.But what about hate? From the moment we walk out of our houses in the morning, till the moment we enter back, we hear this word being thrown around maybe more often than 'love' , may it be a kid or an old lady, EVERYONE HATES
I remember, when I was a kid, my mother always told me "Hate is an extremely strong word, it can mess with people's emotions, everything we dislike is not everything we hate", and till date I follow her teachings, because I believe that, if I hate people who have never caused me any harm, if I hate people for silly or no reasons at all then I should expect others to hate me too, and I don't seek hatred, I prefer love. 
It is said "Treat people the way you want to be treated". We all want respect, we want to be loved, we want people to care for us. But how can we expect all this from someone if we ourselves don't provide them with it? How can I expect love from a person I hate? There are times in life when someone does something really bad to us, something that cannot be forgotten, something that hurt us real bad. This can lead to us hating the person, but that person deserves it, he deserves our hatred. But me hating someone because they looked at me in a weird way, or made a snobby comment on my shoes or just because I have heard things about them, is foolish, not just foolish, it's downright immature.
 A person who tends to hate a lot of people for nonsensical reasons, should stand in front of the mirror and introspect himself, maybe there is something wrong with him, maybe it is because of his flaws that to him the others look so bad, maybe if he made some changes in himself, he would like more people than hating them, the world will be a much better place for him. 
I agree it's way more fun finding the bad in people than the good and hating them for that.But who are we to judge someone or hate someone,we ourselves are filled with flaws. So instead, for once we should try overlooking ones flaws and should try liking them for the good in them. 
But this is the opinion of one person in a world consisting of billions. What is your opinion? Is hate a word one should throw around so often or no? 

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Two Faced Monsters!

'She who is a friend on your face, might not have your best interest in mind , and might just be your worst enemy.'

 Human Beings are cunning creatures, we have mastered the ability to use and throw, whether it is disposable cups and plates or people, we know how to put them to use when we need them and crumble and throw them in a garbage can when we don't. But there is one thing that stops all humans from using this ability they are gifted with, and this is called 'humanity'. We can use and throw, but we feel and understand the pain it causes the one being used, and so we stop ourselves from being such heartless monsters. But there are exceptions everywhere, there are a few heartless, two faced monsters that dwell on this earth. They are the people one should beware of. As they are the ones who can get you into deep deep shit.
How does one distinguish between the normal people and these two faced maniacs? Here are a  few pointers that might help:
- They look just like any other person on the road, they do not come with horns.
- They are usually overly nice.
- Most of them are extroverts, they LOVE LOVE LOVE to talk.
- They are manipulative bastards.
- They will go till any extent to save their behinds.
- They usually act like Mr.Know It All.
- You will always have this one friend who has serious issues with this person and will warn you to stay away from them.
- Lastly, every now and then you will catch them telling lies, and you will think it's normal until those lies start messing up your life.
You come across these people at every corner of your life ,and every time you meet them you are amazed that people like this also exist on the same earth on which you do. No one says we all are saints. There is not one soul alive who has never talked about someone behind their backs or never acted nice to people they dislike. But the difference is, all this once in a while is human, all the time is unacceptable. 
These are the people who make it difficult for others to trust the world. They show us that there do exist people, who you think are your good friends, will keep your secrets but in reality are putting up your secrets in charts all over the town.
The worst time of all is when you confront them. It's like talking to a wall, it's of no use at all. You try talking to them and try making them accept their mistake but instead you just come across another bundle of lies. This is when you think,' ENOUGH ' , you realize that there is absolutely no reason wasting your time trying to confront these bags of dog poop, instead it is better to ignore them and keep your distance from these kind of people in the future.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Ugly Secrets!

“Secrets are generally terrible. Beauty is not hidden--only ugliness and deformity.”
When we were kids, we hid things like breaking a vase, eating the last cookie and losing the ball from our parents and we made up stories to hide the same. Innocent lies, but they led to us learning about the word ' secret'.A word that might later on in our life define us, be a huge part of our being. Merriam- Webster Dictionary defines it as '  something kept from knowledge or view of others ' . I define it as something that is hidden for a simple reason that if it gets out, it could affect a lot of people in many different ways. It could destroy the closest relations , destroy careers and even people. It could turn a prince to a pauper. Secrets are magical , they can change lives in a blink.  But are secrets that necessary?
How difficult is it for us to live our lives with truth? Haven't we all been taught since childhood to be truthful? We defend ourselves by saying,' keeping secrets is not lying, it's just not telling the truth'. Not telling the truth might not be lying but we are still not being truthful, we are not obeying what we were taught. 
I tell I love a person and I expect him to trust me, but then I do something really bad, something if he came to know I did, he would not forgive me. So I decide to keep it a secret. But how can I ever expect him to trust me when I know I am breaking his trust. If I love him, isn't honesty something he deserves? Shouldn't I at least give him the choice to decide whether he wants to forgive me or no and not just make assumptions that he won't and therefore it is the best option to hide things from him?
But then that is one person's view, according to another person - I love him a lot and I really want him to trust me, but I did something really bad, I made a mistake and I feel awful. I know him very well, I know if I tell him, he will never forgive me, he will never trust me ever again, I will lose him. Is that a chance I wish to take?  I know hiding is not the right thing to do, but telling the truth would destroy his trust and destroy our relationship, there will be no gain just sadness and destruction. Let me just skip all that drama and let it be a secret, I shall take this to my grave.
Sometimes some events that take place can put you in an ugly place.In a situation where you are not sure which path is the right one, because maybe there is no right path but you have to take one and face the consequences of your choice. Which path would you take? The path with secrets to protect yourself and others or the one of honesty, which will give you the satisfaction of being the one who said the truth but might just destroy lives. Which out of these is your path?